B.Sc Computer Science Student, with a rigor, creativity and passion for the world of programming and high-tech.
Here you can see some of my projects that I’ve been working on in my academic studies or in my free time.
Online poker game based on .NET, CSS and JavaScript used widely in this project.
C# .NET Entity Framework JavaScript jQuery CSS3 Bootstrap
For live demo please visit jspoker.net
Deep neural networks can be hard to understand, and notoriously difficult to plan and modify. I built a user interface website using React.JS that allows you to easily visualize and make modifications in neural network architectures.
React.JS Redux TypeScript Drag-and-Drop graph-alogrithms Bootstrap
For more details see NNBuilder Repository.
A MERN stack website that allows you to code, chat and draw with friends in a live environment. I also made a nice responsive UI with a lot of CSS3 features.
React.JS Next.JS Redux Node.JS socket.io mern-stack jwt css3
For live demo please visit editcode.herokuapp.com
An algorithm that gives a rating to each player’s hand with a nice UI that I made.
C# .NET JavaScript jQuery CSS3 Bootstrap
For more details see Poker-Hand-Evaluator Repository.
A tetris game I made using React.JS, Hooks, CSS3 and a nice minimal UI using react-bootstrap.
React.JS hooks JavaScript CSS3 Bootstrap
For more details see React-Tetris-Game Repository.
A flappy bird game that learns to play by itself using Deep Q Learning and JavaScript and exciting technologies such as Tensorflow.js, D3 and Webpack.
D3.js Tensorflow.js Webpack CSS3 FlappyBird
For more details see Flappy-Birds-DQN Repository.
A React JS application to Track Corona infected people using Material UI and Chart JS.
React.JS ChartJs Material-UI TypeScript CSS3
For more details see React-covid-19-app Repository.
A code where you can control an airplane simulator using a joystick or script, with a nice interface GUI.
Java JavaFX mvvm-architecture design-patterns
For more details see FlightSimulatorControl Repository.